Iwwer Träwelling

Träwelling issn kostenloser Scheck-in Service, mim du dein Kumbels middeile koannschd, wu du groad mid öffentlischen Verkehrsmiddeln unnerwejgs bischd unn Fahrtenbuch führe koannschd. Korz gsoaht: Mar koann in Zigg einschecke unn krieht defeer Punkte.

Wer entwickelt Träwelling?

Träwelling is an open source project. Since 2013, various people have been developing the project. Partly only bugfixes, partly major changes. On GitHub you can view a list of contributors to the code. Additionally, a few people have assisted with the alpha version. You can find them here.

I would like to contribute to Träwelling!

Träwelling is an open source project and everyone can contribute. You can find all the information about it on our GitHub page. We are happy about every contribution - simply create a PullRequest! You can either work on your own ideas or pick a task from our Issues on GitHub.

Woher kummt der Noame?

Der Noame is e Anspielung uffs allseits bekannte "Senk ju for träwelling wis Deutsche Bahn", woas mar eischendlisch in faschd jedem Fernverkehrszug der Deitsche Bahn gehört hawwe sollt.

Was steht aa?

Träwelling bringt annern Leit zusamme welche gerad die Bahn nutze. Manchmal fahr'n die Leit in de selbe Bahn ohne es zu wisse!

That’s why we’ve created the Events feature. Anyone can suggest an event in a specific time frame; and once accepted, all users can connect their check-ins to that event.

If you want to create an event, please be aware that events should benefit the entire Träwelling community. Those events can be from the European railway community such as the last course of a train model, hacking events such as GPN, or from the LGBTQ scene such as Cologne Pride.

Events are something special. That’s why we decided to deny suggestions to smaller, local events such as Christmas Markets or city fairs. As always, there are exceptions to that rule.

Why don't I receive a confirmation email?

First of all, please check if the email is in the spam folder. If the email is not in the spam folder, please add 'gertrud@traewelling.de' to your contacts and request the email again. If the email still won't arrive, please contact us via our contact form.

Please note that using Microsoft addresses (e.g. Live, Outlook, Hotmail, ...) occasionally caused problems in the past . In this case, please try an email with another provider first.

Warum wird mein Zug nedd uffgelistet?

Mer verwenne e Schniddstell der Deitsche Bahn, bei'de nedd all Oagebode direkt gezeigt werrn. Leider kenne mer doa aa nedd veel drou duun, woann dein Zug nedd debei is.

Wie werrn Punkte bereschnet?

Die Punkte hogge sisch ausde Produktklass unn der Entfernung doiner Reis zamme.

Produktklass Basispunkte
Fernverkehr (ICE, ...) 10
Fernverkehr (IC, EC, ...) 10
Regionalexpress 6
Regional 5
S-Bahn 3
Bus 2
Fähre 3
U-Bahn 2
Tram 2
Taxi 1

Die Entfernung wird uff die neegschde 10km gerundet unn doann dorsch 10 geteilt. Anschließend werrn die Basispunkte addiert.
E ICE-Reise vunn 143km bringt dir also 10 + aufrunde(143/10) = 10 + 15 = 25 Punkte, für e S-Bahn-Fahrt vunn 8km gibt 's 2 + aufrunde(8/10) = 2 + 1 = 3 Punkte.
Mer wolle, dassde meglischst zeitnah einscheckst, damit die Pladdform als en aktuelle Stand Doiner Reise hot. Darum gibt 's die volle Punkte blous, wannde während Doiner Reis orrer 20min vor Live-Abfahrt (Plan-Abfahrt + Verspätung) einscheckst. Wer 1h vor orrer noach dem Reisezeitraum einscheckt, krieht immerhin noch 1/4 der Punkte. Wannde noch friher orrer spärer in e Verbindung einscheckst, krieschde die volle Kilometer unn Schdunne gutgeschriebe, awwer blous en Mitleidspunkt.

If your connection is delayed you should make sure to check in before the real departure time, as we cannot get real-time information about the trip after the real departure time.