
Miya Ironami

@iro_miya  22.687,09 km  253h 36min  42 Pkt

Letzte Reisen von Miya Ironami:

Freitag, 26. Juli 2024

  • 16:20 Le Mans

    TER57621 89km 51min

    Completely forgot to check that one in, hehe oops

  • 17:11 Laval

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

Sonntag, 30. Juni 2024

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2024

Samstag, 08. Juni 2024

  • 01:03 München Hbf

    IC 461 461km 5h 24min
    Vienna Pride

    I was way too eepy to remember to check that one in too. Look I'm Not Good at this Traewelling thing awawa

    So yeah I stayed up in a McDonald's until 1 am because that was the next train available smh.

  • 06:05   06:27 Wien Hbf
  • 16:43   17:14 Mannheim Hbf

    ICE 1011 340km 2h 36min

    I don't know what it is with me and forgetting to check in today.

    Only made this connection because this train was also late!!!

  • 19:27   19:50 München Hbf
  • 13:09 Paris Est

    ICE 9553 509km 3h 26min

    AH forgot to check in

    So after missing the 9:05 train, and being turned away from the 10:52 train because I didn't have a reservation (I couldn't get one, I was hoping to sneak in), I'm finally on my way to Vienna!

    And we're gonna arrive 20 minute late so my connection is tight

  • 16:17   16:35 Mannheim Hbf

Dienstag, 04. Juni 2024

  • 11:30   12:30 Nürnberg Hbf

    ICE 228 227km 2h 28min

    YOU GUESSED IT!!! I didn't make it. I've done nothing but look at trains for an hour and decided the best idea to go to Paris is to stay in this train until Frankfurt. I'm not sure what I'll do there, it depends on the final delay, but there are a few options.

  • 13:36   14:58 Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
  • 07:13 Wien Hbf

    ICE 228 443km 5h 8min

    Let's go to France via Interrail!!! Think I'll make my 16 minutes connection at Nuremberg? Vote now on your phone!!!

  • 11:26   12:21 Nürnberg Hbf

Montag, 03. Juni 2024

Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2024