Veraanstadlung: Vienna Pride #ViennaPride24


3.352 km 33h 7min
 Stonewall GmbH

Wien Rathausplatz/Burgtheater (Theater), Österreic

  • 01:03 München Hbf

    IC 461 461km 5h 24min
    Vienna Pride

    I was way too eepy to remember to check that one in too. Look I'm Not Good at this Traewelling thing awawa

    So yeah I stayed up in a McDonald's until 1 am because that was the next train available smh.

  • 06:05   06:27 Wien Hbf
1 Träwelling is not the organizer. 2 This event was suggested by a Träwelling user and approved by us. 3 Träwelling does not guarantee the correctness or completeness of the data.